Services for Children & Families

We get to know your child as a unique individual who exists in relation to their family, their school, peers, culture and community. We involve parents from the beginning to help us best understand your family’s strengths, the challenges that you’re currently facing, and the hopes you hold for treatment.

We work collaboratively with you to create goals and a treatment plan that is tailored to your child’s and family’s needs. We recognise the importance of meeting children where they are, and use humour and play to keep them engaged. Often, children will find therapy to be fun!

Therapy is flexible and can involve parent coaching, parent-child sessions, family sessions and child-only sessions. It may be short- or long-term depending on your goals and our agreed upon approach of working together. We draw from a variety of evidenced based therapies and integrate them to best meet your goals. These include relational and attachment-based psychotherapies; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT).

We have expertise in helping children (and parents) with a variety of common childhood problems, including:

  • Reducing anxiety (Separation Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety; Social Anxiety, Phobias)

  • Supporting highly sensitive kids (or as we call them “super feelers”)

  • Helping children navigate stressful transitions and life events

  • Teaching skills to manage obsessions and compulsions (OCD and tic related disorders)

  • Improving relationships amongst siblings and family members

  • Helping children navigate peer relationships and friendships

  • Building emotional regulation skills and working with ADHD

  • Managing meltdowns and big feelings

  • Parent coaching/parental guidance

If you would like us to work with you and your child, or would like more information, please click here: