Services for Adolescents

The transition between childhood and adulthood is a time of many changes- physical, intellectual, personality and social. When working with adolescents and young adults we empower them to be curious about their thoughts, emotions, actions, and intentions, and inspire them to take steps towards becoming the adults they hope to be. While we encourage parental involvement in the beginning phase of getting to know your adolescent, we strive for the young adult to have more autonomy in their goals and treatment plans. 

We provide adolescents with a safe and compassionate space to explore themselves and their relationships with others, including family, school, peers and significant others.  We integrate different evidence-based therapies to best meet their needs.  These include relational and attachment-based psychotherapies; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectial Behavioural Therapy (DBT) skills. Therapy may be short- or long-term and may involve individual, parent or family sessions depending on our mutually agreed upon approach of working together and goals.

Common areas of focus for adolescents and young adults in our practice include:

  • Managing stress and anxiety (social anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, phobias)

  • Improving their ability to identify their feeling and regulate their mood and/or depressive symptoms (this may include self harm)

  • Strategies to assist with behavioural and learning challenges (ADHD and Learning disabilities)

  • Managing Health Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Body Dysmorphia (BDD)

  • Improving interpersonal skills and communication with peers and family members

  • Navigating life transitions (i.e. starting a new school; new relationship, family challenges)

If you would like us to work with your adolescent, or would like more information, please click here: